Trauma Training: Prevention and Healing

Middle East
Education & Discipleship

Child sexual abuse is a significant and deeply concerning issue worldwide. According to a 2022 report from the World Health Organization, 1 in 5 women and 1 in 13 men report having been sexually abused as a child. In armed conflict and refugee settings, children, especially girls, are particularly vulnerable. The report states:

“A child who is abused is more likely to abuse others as an adult so that violence is passed down from one generation to the next. It is therefore critical to break this cycle of violence, and in so doing create positive multi-generational impacts.”

In the Middle East, BIC U.S. World Missions workers have developed curriculum to train adults in preventing childhood sexual abuse. Adult education is an important component in preventing sexual abuse, breaking cycles of trauma, and providing healthy and safe environments for children to grow and learn. Promoting health and healing through Jesus and fostering spiritual growth and community among participants is the ultimate goal of these trauma trainings.

The curriculum is offered in Arabic and English, and training participants come from various backgrounds and have included refugees, displaced people, and staff of local orphanages and schools. Training adults within such communities is key as children growing up in unstable environments are acutely vulnerable to sexual abuse. By specifically addressing the needs of at-risk populations, this project seeks to bring hope and healing to current and future generations.

Many adults who receive the training grew up in vulnerable situations and face challenges in accessing resources and support for healing from past abuse. Healing prayer is a vital component of the trainings, offering a way to connect with and care for participants on a deeper, spiritual level.

By giving to the Trauma Training: Healing and Prevention project, you are promoting the protection of children from sexual abuse and providing compassionate care to adults who are healing from past trauma. Your financial support plays a significant part in creating safer and healthier environments for children and adults in the Middle East.