Church Buildings in Honduras

Buildings & Infrastructure


From 2009 to 2018, the Brethren in Christ Church (BIC Church) in Honduras planted 19 churches. The leaders have a vision to plant 40 more churches in cities across Honduras by 2030.

One of the challenges in planting 40 new congregations is the expense of purchasing land and construction materials for new buildings.

Join the church in Honduras by helping them plant four churches each year. Committed to seeing the Kingdom of Christ expand in their unreached regions, the Honduras BIC Church will provide qualified pastors to lead each new church plant, as well as 50% of the cost for every new church building.

Giving to Church Buildings in Honduras enables the church to advance the Kingdom of Jesus Christ throughout Honduras.

Note: The suggested donation amounts represent half the total costs of completing a BIC church building; the Honduras BIC Church will raise the other 50% of the funds.