Classrooms for the Kingdom
The Villa Nueva congregation in Guatemala has a passion for the spiritual development of the whole family, especially children. They invest in children’s lives through intergenerational home groups that meet during the week. However, on Sundays when the entire church is gathered, there isn’t enough space for children-focused Sunday school classes or activities.
Partner with this congregation to create a space for Sunday School classes where children will learn about the Bible and understand how deeply Jesus loves them.
The congregation plans to rent additional classroom space where children can engage in Bible lessons and fun activities. “We believe that many children will be discipled,” says one church leader, “and that through them their families who need God so much will be reached as well.” In the future, the Villa Nueva congregation hopes to purchase land where they can build a new facility with space to disciple believers of all ages.
By giving to the Classrooms for the Kingdom project, you are helping to provide space for children to grow in their faith and explore the story of the Bible.