Equipment: Mtshabezi Hospital

Mtshabezi, Zimbabwe
Health Care


Mtshabezi Hospital is a full-service hospital catering to a geographically diverse population in Zimbabwe. Well equipped at one time, the hospital was virtually closed down — much of the equipment stolen — following civil war and intertribal disturbances.

Since the Zimbabwean government, often rife with political and financial turmoil, cannot provide funding for hospital equipment, hospital leaders depend on donors to upgrade or repair the equipment.

Join us in purchasing hospital equipment enabling Mtshabezi Hospital fulfill its mission to meet the physical needs of its community.

Since the hospital services such a large area, many lives are affected by the quality of care at the hospital. The hospital also has daily chapel services where the gospel is presented. Many people come to know and follow Jesus through the interactions with hospital staff.

By giving to the Equipment for Mtshabezi Hospital project, you help sustain a hospital whose leaders care for patients’ physical and spiritual needs in southern Zimbabwe.

Note: Mtshabezi Hospital is led by the Zimbabwe Brethren in Christ Church.