Missionary Care

Development & Relief


As Brethren in Christ U.S. World Missions (World Missions), we value taking care of our global workers at every stage of their ministries: from their initial ministry discernment to the transition from their final term.

Member care is holistic ministry, supporting our missionaries’ spiritual, emotional, physical, and mental health.

Member care costs can be significant — particularly when workers need specialized services beyond our primary missionary care: For example, if a missionary family is in crisis, they may be referred to a therapist, physician, or treatment facility to assist in resolving the situation or problem. Through this project, you can help us offer auxiliary support services to our global workers without additional costs to them.

We are dedicated to helping missionaries and their families grow in personal wholeness, healthy relationships, and ministry effectiveness. When global workers need emergency or ongoing assistance, we want to offer services helping them with communication and relational skills, healthy life/ministry balance, and a clearer sense of identity and divine call.

By giving to the Missionary Care project, you have the opportunity to partner with World Missions in providing specialized member-care resources for the well-being of missionaries.