Clean Water for Rural Villages

Buildings & Infrastructure

Accessible, clean water is the backbone of thriving communities; it improves overall health, and having a nearby source lessens the physical energy expended to collect water each day.

In Odisha, India, people in rural villages often walk long distances to source water for their families’ daily needs. Each summer the water table drops in the heat, and clean water becomes nearly nonexistent. Remaining water sources are likely to carry waterborne pathogens, and resulting illnesses can be severe, especially for young children.

Limited supply and poor-quality sources aren’t the only challenges barring some from clean water access. In certain villages, believers are ostracized by their non-Christian neighbors and prevented from drawing water from the common well.

The BIC Church in Odisha has identified 20 communities where this need is acutely felt. Improve vital water access by funding new wells in these remote villages.

The new wells will provide safe water for entire communities, believers and non-Christians alike. Access to clean water will significantly decrease daily work to collect water while also easing fears of illness and infection due to poor water quality.

By giving to the Clean Water for Rural Villages project, you improve the health and wellbeing of entire communities in Odisha.