Motorcycles for Ministry in Odisha

Evangelism Resources

India is home to the largest number of unreached people groups in the world, and the Brethren in Christ Church of Odisha is passionate about sharing the Good News with as many people as possible.

Throughout Odisha, BIC area supervisors and church planters travel regularly to remote interior villages to teach the Gospel, disciple new believers, and guide fledgling congregations. Rough terrain and insufficient public transportation make it difficult to reach remote villages to visit more than one group of believers in a day.

Help increase the impact of BIC church planters by purchasing five motorcycles. More economic and affordable than other transportation options, motorcycles are ideal for traversing difficult terrain. Having five motorcycles will equip church leaders in the five regions of Odisha BIC to visit multiple villages in a day, ultimately allowing these church leaders to devote more time to the young believers within their care.

By giving to Motorcycles for Ministry in Odisha, you will participate in reaching those who do not yet know Christ and discipling young believers throughout Odisha, India.