Bibles and Hymnals for Malawi

Evangelism Resources


The Brethren in Christ Church in Malawi (BIC Malawi) comprises 75 congregations – including many new church plants – and reaches around 7,000 people, most of whom face extreme physical poverty. Very few of the new churches have access to a Bible or hymnal, and even fewer church members have a personal copy of either. Because their only exposure to God’s Word is in worship services, spiritual growth slows across the church.

Join us in making Bibles and hymnals in the local language of Chichewa available to new churches and interested congregants at a reduced price. BIC Malawi would like to provide all new churches with a Bible and hymnal, supporting pastors in effectively leading their congregations.

Individuals will be able to purchase a Bible or hymnal with a small donation, enabling them to take personal ownership of these life-giving resources. Donations will in turn purchase more Bibles and hymnals. We believe recipients who purchase Bibles will be motivated to read and understand God’s Word and, in turn, grow in their walk with the Lord. Those unable to give the full donation amount will be able to earn a Bible after memorizing a specified number of Bible verses.

By giving to the Bibles and Hymnals project, you provide individuals access to God’s Word, and help young churches and believers mature in faith.


August 11, 2024

Thanks to the generous support of this project, eight newly-ordained Malawian ministers each received two new Bibles at BIC Malawi’s General Conference gathering this summer. Regional superintendents also received new copies of scripture to use in their ministry. Through these resources, the word of God will be preached clearly, and disciples will grow in faith.